St. John Vianney is a vibrant Roman Catholic Church reaching out to our diverse community so that all will come to know the message of Jesus Christ. Our commitment to our Sacramental and spiritual traditions enables us to grow stronger in our relationship with God. We welcome all to our family of Faith to share their individual talents.
8:00 AM (Chinese) 3:00 PM (Chinese)
5:00 PM (English)
8:00 AM & 12:45 PM (Chinese)
9:30 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Spanish)
7:00 PM (Chinese & English)
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri:
8:30 AM (English) 12:00 PM (Chinese)
8:30 AM (Chinese)
12:00 noon (English)
Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Also by appointment
Weddings Contact the pastor at least six months prior to the
desired wedding date.
Anointing of the Sick, Please call the
Pastoral Office
Religious Education
Mrs. Shin Hawy Chang,
Phone: 718-961-5092
Bible Study Group
Contact Persons
Pat & Franklyn Mahabir
Phone: 718-939-5625
Rosary Society
Contact Person
Rosemary Cruz
Phone: 718-4612847
Leisure Club
Contact Person
Rosemary Cruz
Phone: 718-4612847
Contact Person
Elisabeth Teves
Phone: 718-886-5903
RCIA: Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults
Class sessions: 5:30pm - 7:00pm on Sundays.
Coordinator: Sr. Monica Gan
Phone: 718-762-7920
140-10 34th Ave, Flushing NY 11354
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (718)762-7920
Office Hours|Horario De Oficina
Monday-Friday | Lunes-Viernes
9AM-4PM (週一至週五)
Saturday | Sabados 9AM-3PM (週六)